A Vicarious Trial Run
My dear friend is pregnant. She'll be due in July. She also had a c/section for her first child's birth. In her case, it ultimately was that she'd had enough. From what I understand, her baby was not in distress, but she was tired and he wasn't dropping down and engaging. She had the ultimate say in what happened, so it was a different, better experience for her than mine was for me. From what I now know, her baby was probably malpositioned. But the stupid OB's only know head-down vs. head-not-down. Any number of factors could have made it difficult for her baby to come down. But of course, her "wonderful" OB said it was probably Cephelopelvic Disproportion (CPD). That's the easy answer: to tell the woman she's broken. The truth is that true CPD is very rare, though I can't quote the stats right now. So that makes me mad for her. But at the end of the day, she did what she needed to do with the information she was given. She'd simply had enough and had no tangible hope that it would have ended otherwise. Anyway, I tell you this in order to tell you that she also wishes to have a VBAC, and has asked me to assist her. I'm completely honored by this - the invitation to be a participant in an intimate and sacred miracle. She tells me, "I want something between what you and what my OB want for me". I'm not sure I exactly know what she means. I take that back... I know what she means, but I don't thinks she knows what I mean for her, dig? I think she thinks I'm all crunchy granola about it, like I want her to have a HB and be all ethereal and anti-medical-establishment about it. I don't want to be an adversary to her OB either. What I really want for her is the best birth she can give... something where she can look back and feel satisfied, fully grateful, filled with joy for, with no regrets and no second-guessing. I want her to be aware and informed of all the risks as well as the benefits of what happens in the hospital. I want her to know her options and her alternatives. I only want for her what she needs for herself and for her wee one. Selfishly, I want it to go well for my own sake too. First and foremost are her and her baby's needs, but there's a tiny drop of... inspiration I'm hoping to draw for myself. Affirmation perhaps. Something that will tell me that if she can do it, so can I. That maybe what I need is to witness her success and that will provide me with what I need to get through it. Time will tell.
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