Wednesday, January 12, 2005

All we need is just a little patience...

I'm DYING to take my test. It is beckoning me, saying "pee on me, pee on me!" It's all I can do to hold back. I am thinking that my plan is to take it like a week from Saturday, if Aunt Flo hasn't shown up yet. I'll admit, I do not have that "feeling" I had when I was pregnant with BabyGirl. With her, I just KNEW I was pregnant, and no other answer would do. That night was so wild... I'd been having thoughts for a couple of weeks... things like "I should stock up on baby food and diapers!" and having difficulties answering questions on innocuous forms like "Are you pregnant" because I couldn't decide what the answer was. I did obsess over it a little bit, but I didn't realize I was obsessing. And the night I decided I absolutely HAD to take a test, there was no reason but a nagging little voice telling me to do it. I'm irregular, and never less than like 45 days, and it was just a month past the last time dear Auntie had shown up. And when the test came out negative, I was utterly distraught. I'd been so sure. And I didn't even know why I was so distraught. It's not like I hadn't taken tests before, or that we'd been TTC for very long at all. In fact, this was the first month of TTC that it was even possible. But somehow I just knew. So I don't have that feeling right now. I do have that hope. So do I waste the $7.99 it cost to purchase my last test next week on hope instead of a vibe? Or do I just use it to confirm instincts? Hard to know exactly what the right answer is. My SIL is one snoopy weasel, btw. I have no hard evidence, but I know that when she was here, she looked under our bathroom sink and saw the pregnancy test. And then she started asking questions. (With SIL, her lack of subtlty IS the hard evidence). And then the next time we were over at the IL's house (a few days ago) my MIL starts asking pressing questions, claiming she's not trying to pry. I think we threw her off, but who knows? Not that it matters. We're not saying a word.


Blogger Jen said...

Hiya! I was just going to type your name, but I wasn't sure if you were comfortable sharing it on your blog :) We know each other from the ICAN list, and I just wanted to drop a hello. I'm a blogger myself, you can see mine here:

Your 2-VBAC (second one was ALMOST a HBAC!) ICAN friend,

6:08 PM  

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