Money talks, but it don't sing and dance and it can't walk
Money sucks. We're so broke right now. Post-Christmas boogers. It's not like we went all that crazy either. My Beloved and I spent less than $100 on BabyGirl, $100 on each other (but not all in one shot on his part, so his was more dispursed), and... maybe $150 total on other people. So it's time to pay the mortgage and unless we figure out something magical, we're going to come up short. And we need diapers. And money for his chiro co-pays. And gas in the car. It's just not looking good right now. Last night was a low moment for us. MB has had a painful back injury and is frustrated and hurting. It's so bad, that we discussed the possibility of him going on disability to make it better. I've been sick with a cold/the flu/bronchitis all month and we're both just worn out. We sat down to figure out the money situation and it wasn't pretty. He cried. We cried together. We're both really frustrated. We can't keep doing this to ourselves and our family. I told My Beloved that, unless we can figure out a way to get it all wrangled up and under control, then maybe we should put off baby-making until we do. Later, he told me something amazing. He said he was really kind of upset that I said that. I was kind of surprised. I’m so used to being the one who wants more, who wants to move forward, who’s ready first. And I really wanted him to be the one who was ready for a baby first. And he is. It’s a little mind-boggling. For me, it’s not so much that I’m not ready… I think emotionally, spiritually and physically I really am prepared, even anxious. I’m just so worried about money and I don’t want to spend 40 weeks of pregnancy in fear of how we’re going to take care of another baby when we still have the bills from BabyGirl’s birth to pay. So that’s a good thing that came out of this, I found out where MB truely stands. And it’s not as a result of my pushing him or nagging him or whatever, it’s what he came on to in his own terms. And that makes me more confident that it's the right time (once we get financially organized.) It's so important that he really wants it. And also on a positive note, we have finally settled on a new girl name! Should we have another girl, her name will be Lindsey Margaret. Or Lindsay. I like the "A", he likes the "E", so we’re technically 98% settled, ha-ha. Our boy name will be Zachary Stephen. Both first names are just ones we like, both middle names are family names. So that’s that. Wish us luck…