Sunday, January 23, 2005

Just one line today

Woke up this morning, and the first thing on my mind was "take the test". So I did. Not pregnant. I'm sadder about it than I thought I would be. I really convinced myself I was, I think... I don't know that I've ever had the vibe like I did with BG, but I really believed I was listening to my body and my little voice and in tune with things, and I'm later than I think I should be and... well, not pregnant. I thought I had listened long enough to the physical signs. And the intuition, that voice that nags "find a new OB asap, and get the spare room cleaned NOW!" Not even up for questioning. And a little unprepared for the disappointment. I guess next month is another month. And rationally I can say that it's not like we've been trying for long and if it didn't happen this time, it just means it's not the right time... but part of me wants to blame Dr. Evil for cutting me, wounding my delicate womanparts, wounding my confidence, wounding my spirit. I feel like a failure. And a little stupid for wasting a test when money is such an issue for us right now. MB is ok about it, I don't think he really understands why I'm so cranky about it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

All we need is just a little patience...

I'm DYING to take my test. It is beckoning me, saying "pee on me, pee on me!" It's all I can do to hold back. I am thinking that my plan is to take it like a week from Saturday, if Aunt Flo hasn't shown up yet. I'll admit, I do not have that "feeling" I had when I was pregnant with BabyGirl. With her, I just KNEW I was pregnant, and no other answer would do. That night was so wild... I'd been having thoughts for a couple of weeks... things like "I should stock up on baby food and diapers!" and having difficulties answering questions on innocuous forms like "Are you pregnant" because I couldn't decide what the answer was. I did obsess over it a little bit, but I didn't realize I was obsessing. And the night I decided I absolutely HAD to take a test, there was no reason but a nagging little voice telling me to do it. I'm irregular, and never less than like 45 days, and it was just a month past the last time dear Auntie had shown up. And when the test came out negative, I was utterly distraught. I'd been so sure. And I didn't even know why I was so distraught. It's not like I hadn't taken tests before, or that we'd been TTC for very long at all. In fact, this was the first month of TTC that it was even possible. But somehow I just knew. So I don't have that feeling right now. I do have that hope. So do I waste the $7.99 it cost to purchase my last test next week on hope instead of a vibe? Or do I just use it to confirm instincts? Hard to know exactly what the right answer is. My SIL is one snoopy weasel, btw. I have no hard evidence, but I know that when she was here, she looked under our bathroom sink and saw the pregnancy test. And then she started asking questions. (With SIL, her lack of subtlty IS the hard evidence). And then the next time we were over at the IL's house (a few days ago) my MIL starts asking pressing questions, claiming she's not trying to pry. I think we threw her off, but who knows? Not that it matters. We're not saying a word.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Rage against the machine

Ok, I have a problem with rage. Mostly, I'm a laid back individual. I'm pretty content, pretty mellow, pretty "go with the flow". But, sometimes, I snap. Completely loose my shit. It doesn't happen frequently, but sometimes I get so upset, and feel like I've done everything I can do to keep resolve stuff, and when nothing works, I lose it. I've never hurt another person, but I do take things out on myself when I get to a certain point. I just get to a place where I don't know what to do with myself or my feelings. That being said, I need to talk about what happened when I went into labor with BabyGirl. Bottom line, I freaked out. I got frustrated and I freaked out. It hurt so much, and I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt alone and unprotected and very caught off guard. I didn't do anything overtly destructive, but I did not manage things for myself very well. I attribute some of the reasons for my cesarean (wow, I can actually say that word without gasping) to the fact that I did not manage myself well, nor did I set up a good support system for myself. I can blame Dr. Evil all I want, but the bottom line is that I had as much to do with it as he did, so it has to be acknowledged. So, My Beloved and I were discussing what might happen "next time". He said, "You get into such a tizzy and there's no way to calm you down." We both realize that this was the case with BG. It really wasn't until I got the epidural that I was "ok"... calm, relaxed, human. But then, that had a bad effect on me - brought my BP down low and they put me on oxygen. Then, they gave me pitocin because the epi probably "slowed things down" (at least in Dr. Evil's eyes) which made BG's heart rate drop, which is supposedly why they cut me. This cannot happen again. To stray a bit from the topic at hand (I'll bring it all back in a moment or two) I made some calls to OB offices, to get my ducks in a row. I do think it's important to at least have an OB observe my pregnancy since I will be VBACing. One OB office was fairly cool. I actually spoke with the Doc. She did not agree with my choice/right to HBAC, but said she didn't believe in "time limits" or labor augmentation for VBAC patients, and told me some other points in her philosophy that were at least partially aligned with my own (is it even possible to find one that's completely aligned with my own?) She mentioned that she sometimes sends people to a woman who teaches hypnobirthing. This caught my attention. I could really get into something like that, I think. Regardless, it would be great to have some actual coping strategy for my next child's birth, which is something I was completely lacking in with BG. And MB would be able to help me too. The negative thing about it was that the OB seemed a little skeptical about this particular person's practices. She said "We've had to speak with her before", so that made me uneasy. But hypnobirthing might be the right answer. I need to come up with something. Especially since I don't want to have any drugs this next time. And, maybe it will help me deal with things in other parts of my life. Help me cope better when things spin out of control. Who knows. I just don't think it would hurt to try. Back to the OB calls, I have to say, I got physically panicked when talking to these people. I had a hard time catching my breath to speak. Could have been the bronchitis, but I was breathing fairly well before they each answered the phone. Guess I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. But the good news is, I was confident about what I was saying, how I was feeling. Maybe I'll make some more calls today...

Monday, January 03, 2005

Has the seed been planted?

My apologies if this is TMI, but it is entirely possible that right now, perhaps as of this past week, I am hosting a little group of cells in my body that will evolve in a miraculous period of time into a tiny human being! I feel like my body was giving the "signals", and so efforts were made, and now it’s just a matter of time. Could be a nice delayed New Year’s present. Maybe a birthday present for me :-)

I asked My Beloved if he thought there was a baby in my belly yet… he said he didn’t know… but I could tell he really liked the thought! I spoke with a doula I know on New Year’s Eve at a party I went to, to find out if she knows any HB MW’s in the area… she says she knows a few, and will make some calls and let me know. Hope she comes through! I’d really like some options, some people to pick from. I also did something very empowering. I sent a letter to my evil sOB, explaining to him how his actions hurt me, and how I will not be able to see him anymore. I have some fears about the possible ramifications of sending it, but ultimately it felt good to tell him off. I expect he’ll be receiving it in the mail today. I wonder if he’ll read it? Here it is:

Dear Dr. C,

It has taken me nearly twenty months to get up the strength to write this letter. In that time, I’ve debated with myself over whether or not what I need to tell you will make a difference; how to phrase what I need to say; whether or not to even write this letter at all. I think though that it is important for one to know about some of the less obvious long-term consequences and impacts of one’s decisions. If nothing else, perhaps it will help me purge some of my own demons.

I am angry, Dr. C, beyond any level of anger I’ve ever felt.

On Thursday, May 1st 2003, at approximately 10:30am, I entered MFS hospital in spontaneous labor, exactly on my due date and after an extremely healthy pregnancy. After laboring at the hospital for, what I believe to be, a minimal amount of time, the decision was made, by you, to cut me open and take my baby out of my uterus. By the time my perfectly healthy child was pulled out of my body, it was less than twelve hours from the first time I noticed a contraction.

It may seem, on the surface, that it is unreasonable for me to be angry about the healthy and "routine" surgical delivery of my child. That is why I hope you’ll read on.

Three weeks before my daughter was born, I presented you with a birth plan during a regular visit. Perhaps I should have approached you differently to discuss my ideals, or perhaps you were in a bad mood that day, but regardless, your reaction was less than supportive and bordered on unprofessional. In fact, you refused to look at it. When I attempted to discuss the birth plan with you, you became defensive about your skills, saying "You can swing from the ceiling for all I care, but if I want to do something to you I will do it. I have delivered hundreds of babies and you have not delivered any." When I attempted to express my fears to you about the possibility of a cesarean section (which was, to my knowledge, not anticipated at that time) you wrote me off and told me you "have ways of dealing with that."

I never wanted to tell you how to do your job. I did, however, feel entitled to some sort of conversation where we could share our expectations and come up with a mutually agreeable "game plan". I went into this pregnancy believing that you and I would be a team – you, being the expert in physiology, and me, the expert in my own personal body. Instead, you dismissed my attempt at a dialogue regarding what was likely the single most important event of my life, and took my feelings for granted. It took me weeks to recover from this conversation. In fact, in the car ride right before my next visit, I was sobbing uncontrollably, completely terrified of seeing you. My typically low blood pressure was at a record high and you sent me to the hospital. I couldn’t tell you the reason because I was so upset and didn’t want to face you. I couldn’t tell you I was angry or frightened out of my skull. I felt like I was too far along in my pregnancy to switch practitioners, and wouldn’t have known where to go anyway. I was very confused, and extremely vulnerable. Nevertheless, I clung to the belief that ultimately you were looking out for my best interests.

I now believe you were looking out for your own interests, mine being distantly secondary. Some clues which have lead me to conclude this include:

  • off-handed conversations during regular (non-prenatal) exams where you emphatically expressed your disdain for trial/injury attorneys, which now suggests to me that your mindset in delivering my child was focused prominently on your own personal fears of litigation (it should be noted that I never gave you any indication that I might sue you, rather, the conversations were about my work);
  • your attempt to speed up my labor by ordering my water bag membranes ruptured as well as pitocin augmentation after what is by industry standard a very short amount of time;
  • and, a conversation you had with my husband during my labor explaining that you had another patient nearly ready to deliver besides me that leads me to believe you may have been in a hurry.

To me, it feels as though I was just a body that needed to be "treated for pregnancy" to you, and perhaps a human being after I was cut. While I try to be more optimistic than this, it’s also hard for me to shake the worst thought that perhaps previously hidden misogynistic true colors finally bled through you during the birth plan conversation, and that you cut me open to prove to me that you really could do whatever you wanted to my body, or to punish me for having my own ideas about my daughter’s birth.

I’d like to believe you did the best you could have for me and my daughter, but it’s hard to think you didn’t at the very least act mainly in an effort to avoid litigation before considering your patient’s (my) needs. I believe a doctor should put their patient first, and that the personal risks one takes on while practicing medicine, such as malpractice, should be regarded as occupational hazards that come with the job. Practicing medicine that is not primarily in the best interest of your patient is not ethical.

I also can’t get past the feeling that I was victimized. Regardless of what your goals and intentions were, the result has left me feeling robbed, broken and exploited. The greatest gift I could have given my first child was the gift of birth, but I didn’t give it. You did. And I can’t even say it was worth it because I was never really allowed a chance.

As I understand, my baby girl had no signs of distress upon her first breathes of air or anytime afterward. This means: I was pumped with chemicals and stripped of this natural and beautiful gift for nothing. My body was mutilated and scarred for nothing. I have numbness and pain in my abdomen for nothing. My hands were strapped down onto a table and I did not get so much as a peek of my baby until she’d been in the world for I don’t even know how many minutes, and then she was whisked away and kept from me for four precious, irrecoverable hours for nothing. I struggled with nursing her for three weeks of devastating feelings of failing my baby for nothing. I have surgery nightmares for nothing, sometimes while I’m wide-awake. I have bouts of insomnia over this for nothing. Every time my daughter has awoken screaming in the middle of the night I wonder if she’s having horrible flashbacks of her violent birth. There has not been a single day yet where I haven’t thought about it. I can’t even look at her baby book or watch the videotapes of her first days or look at the pictures without becoming sad. I wanted desperately to be able to celebrate the birth of my child, but I fear that day will always be bittersweet. I want to be able to tell my daughter the story of her birth with tears of joy, not with the tears of the anguish and regret I feel now.

Dr. C, I am filled with remorse over the things I should have done better, or at least differently. I, too, took the birth of my daughter for granted. I felt that whatever might happen would be meant to be and I should take it all in stride, but that’s just not how it’s been. I hope you’ll understand that I do not foresee any time in the future where I will be able to face you. I simply cannot imagine when I will be in a headspace where I can accept that everything that was done to my child and me and taken from me was entirely for the benefit of my child and myself. I will pay you the $179 that I owe you as soon as I’m strong enough inside to write the check, but I can’t say for sure when that will be. Right now, it makes me sick to think about paying for everything that happened to us and all the subsequent suffering my soul has since carried. I only hope that, when you read this letter, you will look at each and every patient as a person who will react both physically and emotionally to what you do on their behalf; and that you will not take birth (or other women’s health matters) for granted.

Thank you for your time.